Gifted and special?

I’ve seen a lot of posts on Social Media lately where people talk about their gifts, about how they have rejected certain traits in themselves and now realize how gifted and special they are. And something about theses posts often felt off to me. – And no, it’s not that I disagree that these people are gifted and special.
The off-ness that I feel there..

How do I approach this from Creator Consciousness?

I recently received a message from a woman who described a situation to me and then asked: “How do I approach this from Creator Consciousness?”
And I want to answer that here as this answer may also bring more clarity for you, even if it may not be so appealing to you at first.

You don’t have to

These words came through a while ago and they describe so beautifully what life feels like when we live in merging with the Divine within us. In this state, we remember how much life loves and supports us. We feel safe and supported in every moment and free to fully express our innermost essence. Unconditional love for and from life becomes a tangible experience and our everyday life reflects this deep inner knowing.
So let them touch you and carry you into this wonderful state of being.

Consciousness and trauma

“Just have faith; it will all work out in your favor”
“Abundance is all around you; you just need to receive it.”
“Just let it go and relax.”

All that sounds and feels great when it matches your current experience. But let’s be honest: when you’re not there, it feels more like a slap in the face! – Wouldn’t you be doing it by now if it really was that easy!?