Riding the Waves of Life (Gedicht)

Riding the waves of life,
moving with them,
taking them,
fully owning them.

Loving and taking in everything that life offers – the ups AND the downs.
Life is so incredibly rich in all of its facets.

Oh what a blissful experience to meet mySelf fully in all of them.
And what a surprise to feel how much I love even the despair, the loneliness, the powerless as they are so different to who I AM and yet always a part of me and all that is.
We are so incredibly rich.
So blessed and gifted.
We get to experience ALL.
This beautiful gigantic playground of life!

When you love and allow unconditionally what is
Choose yourSelf fully, no matter the circumstances
Every moment turns into bliss.

This is when you merge with the Divine in you.
When you remember who you truly are.
When you BECOME what
you’ve been looking for.